…So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ. It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation (Romans 15:19-20 NIV).
The Apostle Paul, in the verse above, tells us something profound about the extent of his missionary work. His declaration that he had “fully preached” the Gospel signified that he had delivered the entirety of Christ’s message, leaving no stone unturned in his evangelistic efforts.
In other words, from Jerusalem, the heart of the Jewish Faith, to Illyricum, Paul travelled extensively, winning souls, establishing churches and nurturing Christians in the Faith. His commitment to preaching the Gospel in regions where Christ had not been named was driven by a desire to reach the unreached, fulfilling the Great Commission given by the Lord Jesus to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…” (Matthew 28:19).
Paul understood the urgency of spreading the Gospel, knowing that many were yet to hear the life-changing message of salvation. Later on, in the 23rd verse of Romans 15, He affirmed that he had “no more place” to preach the Gospel in those regions. It indicates that he had faithfully executed the task entrusted to him by God, and now, he was ready to move on to new territories. Paul preached the Gospel in such a way that the message had taken root: “But now having no more place in these parts, and having a great desire these many years to come unto you” (Romans 15:23).
One of the remarkable things the Lord is gracing us to do this year is to complete the full preaching of the Gospel in all nations. Believe this and identify your role in it. In Matthew 24:14, the Lord Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Hallelujah!
Prayer / Confession
Dear Father, thank you for the opportunity to be part of the great commission to preach the Gospel to all nations. This year, we will see the fullness of your message reach every corner of the earth. Christians and churches everywhere are empowered by your Spirit to boldly proclaim your truth, and the knowledge of your Word covers the earth as the waters cover the sea, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Further study
Romans 15:18-21; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15
1-year bible reading plan
Mark 13:1-37; Numbers 22-23
2-year bible reading plan
Matthew 21:12-17; Exodus 17